Is Civility DEAD?

I realize I have reached the age where my patience isn't what it once was, and sadly, there are times when I have an overwhelming need to tell others how I feel.  Just your luck, today is one of those days.

Is it me, or does it seem as if what was once common courtesy is now a thing of the past?  Whatever happened to saying "I'm sorry", "Excuse Me", or "Thank you".    If you are running late, you call to let the other party know, and if you can't make an appointment you have scheduled, of course you call beforehand to apologize.  Right?

Maybe it is me.  Maybe it is just a bad day.   I, for one, am going to make a conscious effort to do a better job of being a kind person, one who is even more respectful and considerate of others.  It is time we change the course we are on, and choose to be civil to one another.  Even if we disagree, we can do so with respect and courtesy.  Who knows, it may just become a habit.


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